Last Wednesday (the 15th) I went on date #3 with Mitch #2. I admitted how uncomfortably stoned I was the last time and he was really nice about it. We got dinner and beers (apparently he’s really into wining and dining me) and then went to his apartment to smoke a TINY bit of weed and drink some wine. We were hanging in his room, and we only barely kissed.
THEN, we also hung out on Sunday for a spontaneous afternoon hike an hour’s drive away. We hiked to the top of Anthony’s Nose, smoked a tiny bit, did NOT kiss, and then hiked back down and drove back to Brooklyn to eat dinner. We kissed goodbye after dinner, but still—after 4 dates!—HAVE NOT MADE OUT. I’m not complaining, but I am confused.
My hypothesis: Until this past November, he’d been locked away in a 4-year relationship. The last time he dated was pre-Tinder and pre-ghosting, so maybe he’s just “old fashioned.” Or he has a micro penis, or he’s gay, or he’s just a nice, shy guy and I’m overthinking it.
We’re supposed to watch The Wire and eat takeout tomorrow at his place, so we’ll see if anything happens on Date #5. In general, I'm still not sure how I feel about him.
In other Mitch news…
I, of course, got drunk last Friday and texted M1tchesota after about two weeks of silence (he’s not a chatty texter, and I kind of appreciate it). After some banter, we both agreed it was his job to make the next move. He texted me today to make plans for Thursday, and it looks like it will involve watching basketball. Should be a fun challenge to see if I can win his attention!